Sunday, December 6, 2009

Swimming lessons

The girls have been in swimming lessons again this fall, and I have to say I love the opportunity to be part of the home school group daytime swims. The lessons are an hour long, and the girls - especially Aislinn - have improved with leaps and bounds. The top pic is Aislinn swimming her first length;
25 meters across the pool.
She has really worked hard this session and her endurance and stamina have come a long way.
Tara has been doing really well as well, this past week putting a lot of effort into her swimming although she still struggles with blowing the air out of her mouth. No surprise as she was the kid who would suck in when trying to blow her nose for years and years. She is a good swimmer though, and her kick is strong... easily propelling her half the width of the pool. (before she runs out of air!)

We will take a break again for the winter session mostly due to the longer drive, and return again in the spring. Now to turn our attention back to the skating season!
Both being such great exercise!

(sorry for the blurry pictures... yes camera complaints again! -- why can't it focus when the lighting is even the smallest bit off?)

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