Monday, September 22, 2008


This year, we are hoping to enjoy science by trying out multiple experiments on different topics. We choose colour as our first attempt, and the girls worked toward answering questions like "Why is the sky blue", "Is black really black?" and Colour changing milk." Ok, the last one was mostly just fun, and to be honest I have no idea what they came away with, but they had a great time.
In the process of our Why is the sky blue experiment, Aislinn did give a great rendition of how the earth turns around the sun creating night and day on earth which if nothing else was worth hearing -- as she was able to articulate the process so incredibly well!
The experiment itself consisted of shining light through water mixed with a tiny amount of milk (atmosphere) to see which colour is filtered first. In this case - Blue (yeah it worked!) and then seeing how the colour slowly turned yellow, the orange the farther away from the light = sunset.
(Hard to get pictures and stay in the moment!)

The second experiment they tried, was seeing what colour come out of markers when you let water draw up though them. See pics above. The girls greatly enjoyed this one, and at least got to watch if black is really black on you-tube as black was the only marker of that style I did not have!

And the last one, for fun, was playing with food colouring in milk and seeing how it reacted with a drop of soap. The girls quickly moved to full out mixing, but we did enjoy the marbling effect while it lasted!

I was hoping to acquire a couple of prism's as well, but didn't have the chance to locate any soon enough. We will look forward to revisiting colour when I do gets my hands on some-- and you never know -- I may find out how much they did absorb in the future.

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