Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Pumpkin Decorating...

How to decorate pumpkins with a group of 8 kids, with out involving knives! That was my dilemma for our Early Learners group who met at our house yesterday. But we managed, and the kids did great. Each pumpkin came out unique, and the kids really took to working with the supplies to develop their characters.

The rest of our morning involved investigating the pumpkins that everyone had brought, chatting about colour and texture and size. We spent some time measuring the circumference using string, and estimating the weight (since my scale broke at that exact moment).
We also went through the life cycle of the pumpkin, using the resource found here

We used small laminated cards to work out the order of the life cycle, and then used them again later to do patterning. The kids were also sent home with this poem:


Pumpkin pumpkin
big and round,
I'm glad you grow
upon the ground.
I'm glad you don't
grow in a tree
for then you might
fall down on me.
-author unknown-

I oddly found it very hard to find quality pumpkin print outs to compliment our morning. I was quite surprised as this seems to be such a popular learning theme for the fall season! (Lots on Thanksgiving!) So if anyone knows of any (for future reference) please leave a comment!!

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