Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Pasta Box

Our Pasta Box has been with us for a year now! I had forgotten it had been so long. It makes an appearance out of the depths of the pantry closet and spends about an hour or two spread open on the kitchen floor about once a month.

Today's flavour was an un-birthday pasta cake (brought to us by the reading of an excerpt of Alice in Wonderland before bed last night.)

The usual use of the box involves the "find the beans" game, and the addition of about 15 mid-size rocks was a new surprise for me, but made a good "crumbs" base to the cake.

It is happily tucked away in the closet again, as Rory, our puppy, could no longer endure her banishment to the other side of the screen door. We will wait to see what its next appearance will bring.

1 comment:

Penelope said...

What a neat idea! This is something that my daughter would love having around. She currently just grabs beans, nuts, and pasta from our food supply!

Great blog! I'll be stopping by regularly :)